“That’s how the witnesses, by and large the majority, have interpreted this.”

This is not the first time it has been claimed that aliens have been shutting down nukes and showing an interest in military bases.

Former US Air Force lieutenant Bob Jacobs gave a shocking interview on CNN’s Larry King Live in 2008.

He made the staggering claim that during a missile test an object “shot a beam of light at the warhead” in what has been called the 1967 Malstrom AFB UFO incident.

A UFO variety was photographed when it hovered for fifteen minutes near Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico. The object was photographed by a government employee and was released by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization after careful study. There is no conventional explanation for the object.

A 'UFO' photographed by a government employee was released by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization 

The footage was confiscated and he was told “never to speak of it again”, he added.

Stephen previously told this site that NASA is forced by the US government to shut down the ISS live feed when aliens appear.

This comes after a cigar-shaped UFO was allegedly spotted flying over Kansas in a mysterious video.

And the US Navy pilot who chased the USS Nimitz UFO claims there are “missing tapes” of the encounter.

Clearer footage would allegedly show it has legs beneath its tic-tac body .