If you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ll know that I don’t spend a lot of time on anything do to with the world of UFOs, alien conspiracies, or other dubious propositions about how the world works. I have plenty of my own borderline outrageous scientific extrapolations and hypotheses, but these are all (I hope) grounded in some element of reality as the majority of humans understand it. That other stuff, little grey aliens and so on? Let’s just say I’d rather spend more time on deciding what to have for lunch. 

But that’s me: While a significant portion of humanity voiced demands this week for real changes in how we humans go about our lives – in order to try to avoid the absolute worst-case scenarios of near-future climate change – there was also a cohort whose attention was focused on a bit of arid terrain some eighty miles north of Las Vegas. Here, at the edge of the Groom Lake salt flats in Nevada, is a US Air Force facility known as either Groom Lake, Homey Airport, or Area 51, within the Nevada Test and Training Range.

Long a subject of just about every ‘theory’ about government conspiracies and extraterrestrial shenanigans since the 1940s, Area 51 still holds a powerful allure. So much so that some two million people responded to a (presumably satirical) proposal on Facebook in June 2019 to ‘storm’ Area 51 on September 20th 2019 and find out once and for all what it’s hiding. In the end about 40 people are reported to have shown up. Naturally the US military did not let anyone near the actual facility.