In this official video footage, we see a mysterious flying object recorded on video at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. A mysterious flying object can be seen hovering in the sky for several minutes.

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The Nellis range complex is situated some 40 miles North-west of Las Vegas, and comprises around 4,700 square miles of largely desert landscape. It includes the highly restricted areas known as the Nevada Test Site, Tonopah Test Range and the famed Area 51 (Groom Lake).

The video, presented at the CSETI Congressional Report on April 9, 1997 in Washington DC, shows an apparent “Alien” craft at the Nellis field in Nevada, recorded on video by the Air Force telemetry team.

According to sources and information from CSETI, the video footage is genuine and was not modified in any way. The video has been aired on several TV programs across the entire planet. So far, researchers and military officials cannot explain the mysterious UFO.

Here is the video:

The following are excerpts from the conversation of military personnel of the tracking station.

CONTROL: I show an aircraft headed north pretty fast.

OPERATOR 1: I got a helo [slang for helicopter].

FEMALE OP: At eleven? 

OPERATOR 1: Yeah, can’t figure out where he’s at on this thing.

CONTROL: Be advised… We’re filled to capacity.

OPERATOR 2: What is that?

OPERATOR 1: I don’t know. No idea. A helo?

FEMALE OP: Looks like one. It’s way up high no. It’s going, like straight up.

0PERATOR 1: We acquired this unknown object. Aircraft of some type. We’re going to put a launch up on it anyways, see what happens. It seems to be hovering there. [Gives bearing of UFO]. It appears to be going outbound real slow. There’s hardly any range velocity. I don’t know if this would impact or not….[Simulated launch occurs.] We have impact. We’ll call this a kill on this unknown aircraft. T-1 Control doesn’t know what type of aircraft this is either…

OPERATOR 2: That’s weird.

OPERATOR 1: Strange.

Ufologists and aviation experts alike who have analyzed the video footage agree that given the speeds and movements of the object, it is very unlikely that it is a man-made vehicle. No one has been able to explain the anomalous movements of the craft and the speed of the object.

What do you think? Is it possible that this is a genuine UFO footage showing a vehicle belonging to an extraterrestrial civilization?